Justin Barros
I'm a Software Developer, an Automation Engineer, a Video Gamer, a Story WriterAbout Me
I am Justin Barros, Software Engineer from the Bay Area, California. I am a Python/Java Developer, and dog owner.
Problem Solving!
Video Games!
5 Countries
Skills & Technologies
Programming Languages
- <b>Python</b> | <b>Java</b> | JavaScript (ES6+) | C/C++,<b>HTML/5</b> | <b>CSS/3</b> | SCSS | Bootstrap | Materialize,XML | PHP | JSON | GraphQL | Unix/Linux/<b>Bash</b> | MATLAB
Libraries & Frameworks
React | <b>Angular/Angular.js</b> | <b>Django</b> | Flask,<b>TypeScript</b> | JQuery | D3.js | Nodejs/npm | Express.js | Katal,Appium | Selenium | JUnit | TestNG | unittest (python) | jest
CI/CD & Others
JUnit | TestNG | unittest (python),Jenkins | Jira | Git | SVN,AWS | VM/Containers: VirtualBox | VMWare | <b>Docker Container</b> | Kubernetes Pods,<b>Vi/Vim</b> | Eclipse | Sublime | <b>Atom</b> | LaTex
PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Firebase,MySQL | SQLite | SQLAlchemy,
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September 2012 ~ June 2016
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science.
University Of California, Santa Cruz
October 2021 ~ Present
Fullstack Software Engineer @ Amazon
- Built two end-to-end multi-page web applications for Budget Forecasting, Dashboarding, Management, and Automation of various work flows and data management efforts.
- Integrated applications into an early growing ecosystem of web applications for internal teams, customers, and stakeholders to become a central source of truth for data.
- Actively engaged in customer/stakeholder decision-making and discussions.
- Leveraged React, Typescript, Python, SQL, GraphQL, AWS, and various other frameworks/technologies.
October 2020 ~ August 2021
Senior Software Engineer @ WSO2
- Sub-Roles (50/30/20 ratio): Customer Success, Integration, Architecture.[API-Management]: Create, Deploy, Manage REST/SOAP/GraphQL/WebSocket/Webhook/Async APIs via Open API, Swagger definitions, WSDLs; deployed using Docker & Kubernetes.
- [Integration]: Develop/deploy/integrate environments and microservices via WSO2 Integrator tools and message/payload mediation. Deploy/Debugged AIO and distributed environments.
- [Identity/Access Management]: authenticate in-house & third-party IDP & Service Providers/API/Users
April 2017 ~ May 2020
Software Engineer @ Datera, Inc.
- Development for internal framework APIs to communicate with clusters/storage nodes.
- Owned 2-3 core product features from a QA & Release standpoint; Point-of-Contact for the life-cycle of nodes/clusters and node-data mappings.
- Enforced good ethics & clean coding standards using PEP-8, Flake8, Pylint, and TDD; daily peer-code review, bug regression/triaging & automation, OOP & architectural design within internal product libraries.
- Proficient in iSCSI, cloud clusters, iops, replication, and application/data driven practices; worked in various development stacks, data layers, OS-level architectures, Cloud-related infrastructures: clusters, storage nodes, iops, iSCSI layer, data-inconsistencies, data-replication, and data-orchestration.
July 2016 ~ March 2017
Software Developer @ Wells Fargo Bank
- Design, architect, and develop an automation testing framework from the ground-up using Java/EE, Appium, Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, SVN, Maven.
- Leveraged the framework being developed to create and continuously integrate automated scripts on browsers, Android, iOS, Windows mobile devices for the Wells Fargo banking app.
- Helped Wells Fargo cut down on manual QA cost through the Testing& Automation Framework.
- Joined with one other junior member and expanded the team from size two to ten by the end.
January 2016 ~ June 2016
Developer Intern @ Xactly Corp.
- Developed a full-stack web-based application for form creation, management, submission, and result visualization which features a dynamic UI form generator; designed to meet the demands of Xactly Administrators, Managers, and Employees.
- Agile development using MEAN stack with JQuery, MySQL.
- Expedited development process using Agile, scrum and burn-up charts under Xactly’s mentorship.
September 2013 ~ April 2016
Technician Lead & Supervisor @ ResNet (UCSC)
- Worked as a full-time student to interview, train, and manage 20+ university staff members in IT computer repair, network troubleshooting, and customer relationship management.
- Expedited and delegated the repairs of dozens of computers within the office with various issues including virus infections, re-formats, and replacing malfunctioning hardware on a daily basis.
- Effectively resolved hundreds of campus wide network outages using tools and skills that identified disruptive network behaviors.
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